Welcome to the Canyon High School Counseling Center! We have created this site to bring you up-to-date information as well as resources to support and inspire you. We hope you find what you need!

What do school counselors do?

The Canyon High School counseling department provides a comprehensive program that assists all students in acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to achieve academic success, career readiness, and healthy social/emotional development. 


Academic– ​Counselors help students apply academic achievement strategies and assist with academic planning and goal setting.

Career- Counselors help students plan and explore post-secondary career and educational options that fit the student's interests, abilities, and goals.

Social/Emotional– Counselors are a great place to go for help navigating social challenges, managing emotions, and applying interpersonal skills.

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Parent Resources

Counseling Newsletter Archive

Meet Us!

Counseling Support Team:

Counseling Office: 714-628-5335


Penny Leptich



Itzi Burns


(714) 628-5339

Students can meet with their counselors during nutrition, lunch, or after school, to ask questions or to chat - no appointment is necessary! If we happen to be unavailable, fill out a request to meet with us in the counseling office by scanning the correct QR code. Your counselor will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Vision Statement

Through the school counseling program, all students from Canyon High School will be responsible, collaborative life-long learners who are empowered, resourceful, self-directed and well prepared to confidently pursue and navigate college and career opportunities in the 21st century.


Belief Statement

The school counselors believe:

  • all students have dignity and worth
  • all students have the right to participate in the school counseling program
  • all students’ needs are considered in the planning and implementation of the school counseling program
  • all students shall have access to a full-time, state-certified master’s-degree-level counselor

And that the school counseling program:

  • be based on specified goals and developmental student competencies
  • be planned and coordinated with other representatives of the school and community
  • utilize the many combined resources of the community
  • be evaluated on specified goals and agreed-upon student competencies

And that all counselors:

  • abide by the professional ethics of guidance and counseling as advocated by the American School Counselor Association
  • participate in professional development essential to maintain a quality guidance program