What is ASB?
ASB stands for Associated Student Body--a group of students that is selected and elected to represent the entire student body of CHS. This is the student government of CHS. Throughout the years, CHS has been blessed with creative, dedicated, and responsible ASB officers.
Why do I need an ASB card?
Every school year during registration, students are required to get a photo ID card. You will use this ID card for checking out textbooks and verifying who you are throughout the school year. This ID card also allows you to attend CHS events at the full admission price. When you pay the fee for the ASB card, you are actually getting "ASB" stamped on your student ID card instead of a stand-alone card. When you attend a CHS event, whether it is a dance or say... a football game, you show your ID card to the ticket takers at the event. They see the ASB logo and discount a % off the admission price. You can also get discounted tickets in advance of the actual event date when ASB announces event tickets going on sale.
What does ASB do?
ASB is responsible for three main objectives:
1. Providing student activities.
2. Managing the finances of the student groups on campus.
3. Representing the voice of Canyon High School students to staff, school district, and community.
These three objectives all support the #1 goal of Canyon High School ASB: to achieve 100% student involvement at CHS.
What does it take to be on ASB?
ASB members must be leaders. The qualities of a good leader include honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, reliability, willingness to work hard, humility, respect for both adults and fellow students, and school pride. You must have at least a 2.5 GPA, be in good academic standing, and maintain high academic and personal standards, both on and off campus.
How does someone get on ASB?
The ASB CABINET is elected every spring and serves through the following spring. The cabinet members are ASB President, ASB Vice-President, ASB Secretary/Treasurer, and ASB Activities Commissioner.
Class Officers are elected for a year. Class officers represent their respective classes. Seniors and Juniors elect a President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer in the spring. Sophomores and Freshman elect a President and Secretary/Treasurer in the spring as well.
How do I find out more information about ASB?
Commissioners are selected and appointed after the spring elections by the cabinet. Commissioners specialize in areas including technology, rallies, publicity, etc.
All members of the student government support each other in their work and are expected to help each other in the preparation, setup, and clean up of all activities. Every member of ASB will be expected to work as a team to reach a single goal.
How do I find out more?
To find out about ASB’s roles and functions, getting into ASB, or getting involved at Canyon High School, ask someone who is in ASB or ask Mr. Smith. Feel free to come by the Student Center next to room 122 before school, during nutrition or lunch, or after school to see how we function as well.
ASB Director: Steve Smith
ASB Bookkeeper: Katrina Burns