
Student Hours: 7:30 to 4:00


Want to recommend or request a great book?

Book Request Form

  • All Library novels are due back to the Library no later than Tuesday, May 31.
  • All English class novels are due back to the Library no later than Wednesday, June 1.
  • All textbooks are due back to the Library now later than Thursday, June 9
  • No textbooks or novels may be kept over the summer.
  • All Seniors must return laptops by Wednesday, June 1.
  • 9-11th graders hold onto your laptops until the end of your Senior year.

There are NO AP Summer Assignments requiring textbooks. All AP Summer Assignments can be found on the CHS website, in the Counseling Office and in the classroom of the AP teacher. 

Locker Clean-out dates are as follows:

Seniors: TBD

Juniors: TBD

Sophomores: TBD

Freshman: TBD

Thank you to the following organizations for their generous grants supporting the Canyon High School Library and for valuing the education of all of our students!
Canyon Hills Friends of the Library
Anaheim Hills Rotary Club
Canyon High School Parent Teacher Student Association
The Ebell Club of Canyon Hills

Something for Everyone!

Fiction books Phone chargers Comfortable seating
Nonfiction books Calculators Collaboration spaces
Computers Fitbits Quiet study spaces
Laptops Large screen tv’s Large meeting space
iPads Printing After school tutoring


Library Catalog Search

Keep Track of your Books


The Canyon High School Library is an energy filled Library where students gather, seek knowledge, collaborate, and make connections. It is full of energy! The Canyon High School Library is the hub of our high school!

The Library supports the development of a rigorous education for all students. Through collaborative efforts, we are dedicated to ensuring students will effectively access, evaluate, process and synthesize information while demonstrating ethical, legal, and cyber safe behavior. We empower our students with the strategies and tools to be innovative, critical thinkers who collaborate effectively, contribute meaningfully and compete successfully in the global community while developing into confident college and career ready individuals.

The library is home to more than twenty-four thousand fiction and nonfiction books. Students may check out Library books for up to three weeks. 

Students may have only one set of textbooks checked out. Lost textbooks must be paid for prior to being issued a replacement textbook. If the lost textbook is located and returned in good shape, a refund will be processed.  

Also available for check-out are laptops, iPads, Fitbits, cameras, calculators, and phone chargers.

There are forty desktop computers available for student use in the Library.  Students may also check-out laptops and iPads for use in the Library.  Students may check out Chess Games and other board games for use in the Library.  

The Synergy Room, located in the Library, is a student centered business office space sporting a large conference table and chairs, iMac computers, and a Sony sound bar. Students may reserve the Synergy Room for collaborative work or for use as a quiet study area. See Mrs. Fisher for details.

Student tutors are available to help students in all subject areas Monday through Thursday from 2:45 through 3:45.

The CHS Library welcomes new and used book donations. Volunteers are always welcome!

The Canyon High School Library proudly supports the CHS PTSA and the CHS Education Foundation