Measure S: Canyon High School
Canyon High School Modernization Presentation from the
May 25, 2017 Board of Education Meeting
Images from the Presentation to the Board of Education: May 25, 2017
Canyon High School Measure S Improvements: GKK Works
Please CLICK HERE for the full presentation.
Pre-Measure S
Facilities Master Plan, Measure K Implementation
October 2, 2014
CHS FMP Community Workshop Presentations
Canyon High School Facilities Plan Review: Refinements
Community Meeting #4 - January 14, 2014
Community Meeting #4 - January 14, 2014
Canyon HS Campus Report - 3/13/2013
Canyon High School opened in 1973. Although the newest of the OUSD high schools it is now 40 years old.
Three buildings and 24 portables have been identified as needing major renovation or demolition.
It is projected that without facilities enhancements, all campus buildings will need major renovation or demolition within 10 years.
Facilities Condition Assessment