Health Office


The Health Office assists a student with health issues, including illness, injury, medications, and medical conditions. Karen Fink  staff's the Health Office.

Health Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:15 am to 3:30 pm

Location: First floor of the Science Building--across the hall from Counseling.

Health Office Procedures: While at school, all illness/injuries checkout through the Health Office. If the student needs to be seen in the Health Office, he or she will first inform their teacher and receive a “pass”. All students seen in the Health Office are required to sign-in and standard triage practices are used to prioritize student needs.

*Cell phone use is not allowed between student and parent.

If a student is not feeling well, he or she must come to the Health Office and the health clerk or school nurse will notify the parent. If your child needs to go home, a parent and/or guardian will need to come to the Health Office.

All other absences/appointments go through attendance office. If a student has a doctor’s note excusing them from his or her absence, a copy should be given to the Attendance Office as well as the Health Office.

Other Important Information:

Injuries: If your child is injured and has a doctor’s note, a copy needs to be given to the Health Office. If your child requires medical equipment for his or her injury, such as crutches, wheelchair, etc., the student needs to come to the Health Office for clearance of the equipment.

Medication: All medications on campus (that includes, over-the-counter/non-prescription and prescription) need to be documented and kept in the Health Office. A medication form needs to be filled-out by your child’s physician and the parent and/or guardian.  PARENT AND PHYSICIAN REQUEST FOR MEDICATION

If your child is requesting to carry his or her medication (for asthma inhaler and Epi-Pen use only), an additional form is required. Please see the school nurse, Karen Fink. for details.

Individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP): The Individualized Healthcare Plan is a written document by the school nurse that contains confidential health information, special medical procedures, and/or treatments regarding a student’s specific healthcare needs during his or her attendance at school. Parent authorization and signatures are required every year.

Emergency Cards: All students are required to have an emergency card. Check to make sure all boxes are filled-out--a parent signature is required. Also, please give current telephone numbers so the Health Office or other school officials can contact parent and/or legal guardian in a timely manner.